Creative Services

I have had many creative moments with customers, marketing colleagues, animators, art directors, copywriters, filmmakers, photographers and other type of creators over the years. And I love it.

Creativity has always been close to my heart. On top of that, I’m a little bit of a nerd when it comes to playful illustrations, well carved fonts and ”snappy” copy. Colors, shapes and words tend to come before tables and numbers, when my desire dictates.

Here and now, my creative offer consists of the following services:

Brand Book

– to be consistent, instead of losing image over time.

The physical manifestation of the living, breathing concept of a brand. Without this guiding document, the image fall apart. Describing the brand’s essences, platform and rules are a good start – followed by visual identity, tone of voice, digital design, employee branding etc.

Premium Content

– for ideal buyers awareness, in an abundance of information.

Content is crucial for creating awareness. I produce content for the right persons in the right channels at the right times. Headings, images, texts and URL’s are searched optimised. And the tone of voice, colors, typography and graphics is aligned with the brand book and graphic guide.

Formats: Article, Customer Case, Podcast

Visual Communication

– for easy-to-understand messages, in a complex world.

The world is complex enough. Let’s make things easy to understand, so that messages can turn into value as soon as they have been received. I illustrate and work with graphic design for change projects, concepts, strategies as well as crafting icons, logotypes and symbols.

Formats: Canvas, Infographic, PowerPoint

Creative services are performed only for existing customers, as freelancer on non-regular working hours, due to my full time job situation. Regardless, get in touch with me if you have any questions.
